Originally posted on Best to Buy Coffee Bean | Great Ideas:
One of the earliest written mention of coffee is provided in Arabic manuscript №944, stored at the French National Library. Shehabeddin Ben, Arabic author of the XV century, tells of his contemporary Gemaleddine, muftis Yemeni city of Aden, who traveled to Persia. During his stay there, he drew attention to his tribesmen, brewed and drank coffee, which he had attached no importance.
Vernuvshivs Aden and feeling unwell, Gemaleddin thought of coffee and decided to try this drink, which not only helped him to recover, but also strengthened the forces. The latter quality Gemaleddin appreciated especially as it helped in the night religious vigils. Authority and recommendations muftis helped spread the beverage, which soon began to drink not only dervishes, but also artisans, merchants and other inhabitants of the city.
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